Anointed For Victory Ministries Encounter the Power of Prayer


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Life Up Your Eyes, He Is Our Help

By Stephanie Wyatt
Don't focus on your situation instead, look to the hills, stay in His will. It may be uncomfortable not knowing where is SOS, but in the Pasture of the hills there is HOPE, LIFE, PROVISIONS and SAFETY.
Life Up Your Eyes, He Is Our Help

Psalms 121:1-8 talks about lifting up our eyes to the hills - from whence my help comes from . My help comes from the Lord. We are all facing different crises in life; it could be loss of a loved one, no job, no money, home, sickness, etc.  We must keep our eyes on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith, for He is the HOPE OF GLORY!

Don't focus on your situation instead, look to the hills, stay in His will.  It may be uncomfortable not knowing where is SOS, but in the Pasture of the hills there is HOPE, LIFE, PROVISIONS and SAFETY.

This is one of my favorite scriptures: and my four reasons I look to the hills:

  1. He is my Helper, my Shepard, my Provider, my Lord.
  2. He will not allow me to stumble or fall, He keeps my feet planted.
  3. He is my Protector, from hurt , harm and danger.
  4. He blesses my going out and coming in.

When life throw you crazy curves--- look to the hills SOS in on the way.

P.S. - Blogging has helped me not focus on my current situation, instead staying connected to this source and look to the HILLS --- HE IS MY SOS



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