Anointed For Victory Ministries Encounter the Power of Prayer


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The Order of The Towel (Part 1)

By Barbara J. Scott
It's hard for us to imagine Jesus, our Lord and Savior, bowing down and washing someone's feet. The disciples did not have time to wash their feet and make sure they were clean, as we do when we have foot-washing in our churches. We will wash our feet and put lotion on them before we will allow someone else to wash them. But Jesus washed those smelly, dusty, dirty feet. He took the position of a slave servant. The servant always washed the feet of the guests.
The Order of The Towel (Part 1)

"Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself.  After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded."  John 13:3-5

It's hard for us to imagine Jesus, our Lord and Savior, bowing down and washing someone's feet.  The disciples did not have time to wash their feet and make sure they were clean, as we do when we have foot-washing in our churches. We will wash our feet and put lotion on them before we will allow someone else to wash them.  But Jesus washed those smelly, dusty, dirty feet.  He took the position of a slave servant.  The servant always washed the feet of the guests.

Think about those of us who want to be "up front".  The world says we have made it when we move from the back to the front; when we move from the back table and the side table, to the head table.  Here Jesus left the head table and bowed down to wash dirty feet.  He said if you want to be a blessing and be blessed, you must belong to the Order of the Tower; be willing to pick up your towel and wash feet.  We see Jesus with Judas, the one who was going to betray Him, and without hesitation Jesus washed his feet.  We can't pick and choose whose feet we are going to wash.  Jesus called each of us to be a servant.  We have to be willing to yield ourselves to those who allow the devil to use them.  They treat us mean and nasty for no reason, and Jesus says, "Wash their feet".  They are in the work place, in our families, and among our friends.  Jesus, by example, teaches us to take a towel and serve them.  He wants us to serve those who are unlovely.  Don't forget about Peter.  Peter was going to deny Jesus three times within a few hours, saying that He never knew Jesus.  Yet, Jesus willingly, washed his feet.  Peter was afraid when he should have been strong.  We have those in our lives whom we can call "fair weather friends".  When things are going well they are praising the Lord and hanging around you all the time; you can't get rid of them.  But as soon as a storm comes, they are off and running; they can't be found.  We have couples getting married one day, and before the ink is dry on the paper, they are running in opposite directions.  They can't stand the rough places; as soon as the going gets tough, they get going.  We have those people in our lives, who said they would stick with us through "thick and thin".  But when they are put to the test with trials and tribulations they can't be found.

Then we have the other ten disciples who were selfish; they were concerned about themselves.  They couldn't imagine Jesus washing their feet; but when the odds seemed to be against them they all left Him, just a short time later.  They were looking out for number one, themselves.  What would you have done?  Would you be loyal and true in spite of tough times?  It takes true humility and a servant's heart to be willing to put others first, thinking of their well-being, and to love them no matter what.  That's what Jesus did.  Do you have your towel?



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