Anointed For Victory Ministries Encounter the Power of Prayer


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Just like the wind which is invisible yet the effects of which are plainly seen and felt, so is the Spirit of God that's upon the human heart; that spiritually reborn or converted power which no human eye can see, began a new life in the soul. He creates a new being in the image of God.
When Jesus washed His disciples' feet He was demonstrating true humility. If you can be a servant (a humble servant), working with people who get on your last nerve; being nice to those who are not nice; being kind to those who speak ill of you; loving the unlovely: you are on your way for a blessing. Try it today, and see what happens.
It's hard for us to imagine Jesus, our Lord and Savior, bowing down and washing someone's feet. The disciples did not have time to wash their feet and make sure they were clean, as we do when we have foot-washing in our churches. We will wash our feet and put lotion on them before we will allow someone else to wash them. But Jesus washed those smelly, dusty, dirty feet. He took the position of a slave servant. The servant always washed the feet of the guests.
It doesn't matter what it looks like. Sometimes God allows us to go through suffering so that we may get rid of the things that entangle us; so that He can draw us closer to Him; He wants us to be closer.
Praising God does not depend upon the life seasons or the storms that are challenging the core of our faith. Praising God is the personal outward affection we give God because of Who He is and the marvelous things He continues to do in our lives.
What area in your life are you battling to advance forward? Is it your personal relationship with Father God? Perhaps it is your finances or a sickness in your body. Regardless of the battle, with God you can leap out of every situation and move forward to victory in your life.
Sometimes God allows us to be tested to see if we are going to drop out of the race or keep on going. There is no time to wallow around in self-pity. No racecar driver gets out of his car and stands around on the race track crying because he busted his tire or has a cracked windshield. Instead, he makes haste and gets to the pit stop.
In this race of life if you miss the mark, if distractions, and obstacles get in your way, please don't bypass the Pit Stop. The Holy Ghost is waiting to give you the grace that you need and get you back on track.
Thanksgiving Day is the day many families gather together to give thanks and remember their blessings. We all have so much to be thankful for, and every day in our lives should be a day of thanksgiving.
Making an intended effort to be close to the Lord requires wise decisions regarding our time. We spend hours on the phone talking about nothing; just think if you spent that time with the Lord.


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